
Showing posts from May, 2020


Hello! And Welcome! Hi! I am going to post as AnimalFanatic here. This is a blog about animals primarily, but also latest nature news. Here are some facts about me. I am an animal fanatic, I have three chickens, and I like to have friends. Okay, now on to the real stuff. First I would like to address the fact that you probably are only here because either I sent you the link(hi friends!), or, you randomly showed up here(hi to you too!). Either way, I hope you enjoy this.  My chickens eating pineapple core. Okay, so the theme today, is...........The Arctic! I will have theme every post that is one habitat, put the latest news, and maybe some of the latest chicken news. What can I say? I like my chickens. The Arctic is freezing cold. So, if you live there, you need LOTS of warm clothing, or fur. Arctic wolves manage this by having a double coat. If you have a corgi, a husky, a Shiba Inu, or an Akita, you know what I mean. They have thick, waterproof fur on the outside, and s