
Showing posts from November, 2020

SeaWorld Should End Now!

 Hey everyone! Today I am going to talk(type?) about SeaWorld. No one should have the right to imprison orcas, dolphins, and other aquatic animals in tiny cages. Below are all of the reasons why you can't do this. The Tanks Are Miniscule! The largest  tank at SeaWorld Orlando is 40 feet deep. Sounds great...Until you remember that that is the LENGTH OF THE ORCA!!! You shouldn't keep a goldfish in a tank 2 inches deep, so why would you do the equivalent for an orca? Also, there are some really 'wonderful'*cough, nope, cough* size comparisons to the tanks. Ok, look at this photo. The parking lots are bigger than the orca tank! Really, SeaWorld? Really? Credit to PETA for the photo-and all others that come after. One city block is twice the length of one orca tank. ONE! And it's the LARGEST one!! The distance that toddlers walk in a day is about 2.6 miles. That dwarfs the tanks, being 13, 558 feet farther than a tank. A Polar Bear May Have Died Because They Ju